Saturday, October 10, 2009

Tongues of Stone Workshop in Perth

Workshop in Perth

Design: Dorita Hannah
Choreography: Carol Brown
Musical Score: Russell Scoones
Assistant Design: Lauren Skogstad
With Strut Dance
Special thanks to:
Agnes Michelet - Director of Strut Dance
Curtain University

Monday, March 16, 2009

How Water Began to Play

I found this poem by Ted Hughes from 'Crow':- 

How Water Began to Play

'Water wanted to live
It went to the sun it came weeping back
Water wanted to live
It went to the trees they burned it came weeping back
They rotted they came weeping back
Water wanted to live
It went to the flowers they crumpled it came weeping back
It wanted to live
It went to the womb it met blood
It came weeping back
It went to the womb it met maggot and rottenness
It came weeping back it wanted to die

It went to time it came through the stone door
It came weeping back
It went searching through all time and space for nothingness
It came weeping back it wanted to die

Till it had no weeping left
It lay at the bottom of things
Utterly worn out   utterly clear' 

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Site Research: Perth

Kings Park

Kings Park

Kings Park - War Memorial

Kings Park

Central Park

Convention Center

Empty Space near Convention Center

Space near Forrest Place

Forrest Place - 7.45 pm

Forrest Place - 12pm

Forrest Place - 12pm

Forrest Place - 12pm

Perth Concert Hall